Friday, September 16, 2022

Although presented to the public as an open-and-shut case, key pieces of evidence didn't come out in the trial. A summary is presented in this response:

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The law must be followed by everyone

"The law is black and white. It is a set of rules that must be followed by every prosecutor, judge, and lawyer to ensure that, no matter what someone's personal feelings are toward an individual, everyone is treated fairly by the judicial system and everyone receives a fair trial. ... In a country founded on the rule of law, if the rules and laws can be broken for even one individual, then no one is safe."

Steve Allwine 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Justice in America: A Letter to Wendy Bell

On July 10, 2022, on Newsmax, Wendy Bell spoke about justice in America.

Wendy Bell on Justice (starts at 27:00)

Do you believe in justice? The idea that right prevails over wrong? That good triumphs over evil? That you live in a place where the rules are fair? The process is dependable and where telling the truth sets you free? I used to. But I don’t anymore.

That’s a disturbing thing to say. It’s an even worse thing to feel.

After watching snippets of the January 6th Select Committee—prime time hearings with Hollywood lights and make-up, even a network producer—I’m convinced there is no justice in America anymore.  Ours is now a system of revenge where one-sided panels can present “evidence” while refusing testimony that refutes it. That’s not justice!

Where star witnesses are brought forward to give hearsay testimony about conversations they weren’t privy to, that were never fact-checked or corroborated by the people who were there. That’s not justice. 

Where men and women can be arrested and thrown into solitary confinement, kept there for 500 days without being able to meet with their attorneys or have contact with the people they love. That’s not justice.

Where reasonable questions are silenced. Common sense narratives are censored. And presumption of innocence has become the fraudulent presentation of guilt. That’s not justice. 

Where a president and his box checking administration can make tragic decision after tragic decision and point fingers of blame to others without ever being held accountable? Again, not justice. 

If in the United States of America, Members of Congress can fabricate dossiers, lie under oath, and destroy a fellow citizen’s name and reputation, if biased reporting and slanted polls can be presented as facts, basic human decency can be replaced by a seething insecurity and a dark, dangerous agenda, if this is where we are now, then we most assuredly do not live in a land of justice. 

Justice isn’t dependent upon the letter after your name or the way you vote. It shouldn’t care whether you’re gay or straight, left or right, black or white, or even right or wrong. It is a process, a system, reliant on honest people with honourable intentions, to seek the truth and to tell it no matter what. 

After watching it, Steve was inspired to write to her.

Dear Ms. Bell, 

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Thank you also for your show this last week tackling justice in America (or lack thereof).

I, too, used to believe in justice, but I don't any more. In 2016, I was happily married to my wife of 20 years and living a pleasant semi-rural lifestyle when our lives were turned upside down by threats against my wife (Amy). The perpetrator finally carried through on her threats and had Amy killed November 13, 2016. The police arrested me a couple months later. Your monologue speaks exactly to the tactics (ignoring evidence, twisting evidence, and lying about indisputable facts) that the State used to convict me.

Prior to this I was a law-abiding citizen. My last negative interaction with the law was a speeding ticket in 1995. I believed that "the truth will set you free", so when the police wanted to interview me the night of her death, I spoke to them without a lawyer. I had nothing to hide. The following day when they called me down again, my father-in-law got a lawyer for me because he was worried that they were looking at me as a suspect. I spoke freely and openly with them again, there was nothing questionable said, but they would later twist words from the interview and the 911 call to weave into their story.

You ask where is the justice "when reasonable questions are silenced", "common sense narratives are censored", and the "presumption of innocence has become the fraudulent presentation of guilt." I know your time is precious, so let me just give you a few undisputed facts of my case:

1) The first responders said her body was warm and soft (rigor had not set in) when they arrived about 7:00pm. (according to a medical examiner, rigor takes 1-2 hours to start)

2) The State's medical examiner testified that at autopsy the following day rigor was consistent with a time of death close to 7:00pm.

3) The medical examiner's investigator signed into the crime scene on the official log at 11:31pm. (The state ignored the log and claimed he showed up about 7:00pm, over 3 hours before the person that called him to the scene.)

4) The State's own medical examiner testified that Amy died 4-6 hours prior to the investigator's examination. Simple math says she died between 5:31pm and 7:00pm (when she was found).

5) The State stipulated that I was away from the house from about 5:25pm to about 7:00pm when she was found.

6) She was killed, moved, and the scene was cleaned, which would've taken significant time.

7) The State's computer expert (who had been found untrustworthy by at least 2 judges on other cases) testified that I accessed the DarkWeb in early 2016 to make the threats myself, yet his own report says that the application required to do that wasn't installed until November of 2016.

8) Amy was 239lbs and I was 166lbs, and they claimed that after she was dead I picked her up and carried her to her final resting location. All without getting any blood on me.

9) Our gun was used, and the gun had a mixture of 3 people's DNA on it (Amy's, mine, and an unknown person) even though only 2 people had ever handled the gun.

10) There was a large blood spill that was cleaned up (2.5'x2.5') and the washcloth that they claim was used had no visible blood stains and Amy's DNA was not even a major profile. The DNA was so weak that over 40% of the world's population couldn't be excluded.

11) When I called 911, the operator had me check Amy's vitals, so I checked her with my right hand. Later they tested my hands for gunshot residue (GSR) and found 1 particle on my right hand (0 on my left), which State witnesses said could have transferred from her body to my hand. In contrast her hands had over 50 particles of GSR, showing its pervasiveness.

12) The blood cleanup area was right in the hallway, so I walked through it at least 4 times and tracked invisible residue through the house, but it was exactly where I told the officers I had walked and only where I had walked after finding her and while on the phone with 911.

13) The footprints don't go near the sink that they claim was used for cleanup.

14) There are no footprints around the body that I supposedly moved.

15) And somehow I did all this without getting any blood or DNA on my clothes which they collected.

16) They claimed that I killed her to avoid a divorce even though everyone who was interviewed said we had a good marriage and there was no evidence of marital discord or an impending divorce. In fact, relations were so good that I stayed with her parents for 2 months until my arrest.

17) There is a screenshot showing that she checked her email at least 30 minutes after the State claims that she died.

18) The neighbor saw Amy in the garage by herself about 1.5 hours after the State claimed that she died.

In order for the State's theory to be true, the neighbor, the first responders, and their own medical examiner have to be lying; I must have super strength; and the laws of biochemistry have to be suspended.

You are known for your common sense, does any of this make sense? None of this evidence is disputed, the jury just never heard most of it because my lawyer was lazy, and my appellate lawyer missed her deadline to submit it to the court. I'm working on my appeal again and have the evidence in and even now the State doesn't challenge any of the facts or the evidence. They just keep telling the judge that he shouldn't look at it because the case has already been decided. These are supposed to be the "ministers of justice" whose responsibility it is to seek the truth and instead they try legal gymnastics to try to suppress the truth. These are not "honest people with honorable intentions", as required by our judicial system.

Your report needs to be heard and it needs to strike fear in every American. This is not just happening in Washington D.C., it is happening all over America. If this can happen to me, then it can happen to anyone. 

We are no longer in a nation based on the rule of law, but on the rule of public opinion.

If you want to see the evidence for yourself and to read more about my case go to

Monday, August 8, 2022


Since his son found his mother's body, and Steve was found guilty of her murder, Steve was accused of maltreatment. He highlighted for the court why it couldn't have been him who killed Amy that day. 


 Yura of Besa Mafia, who dogdaygod contacted to kill Amy, actually told the media his team was responsible for the death of Amy Allwine.


The timeline was critical, but the timeline presented by the State didn't line up with the actual evidence.



 Although scopolamine was found in Amy's system, no trace of it was ever found in the Allwine home. 


  Abuses continue to happen in this case. For an updated copy of 'Rules For Thee, but Not For Me' please contact  Stephen Allwine #2...